21 October 2010

August Third Thursday Guild Meeting

Twisted Threads Fiber Arts Guild met on 19 August 2010 at the NCSU Crafts Center with 13 in attendance.

Fiber of the Month

Carolyn Beasley brought samples and discussed the merits of Icelandic sheep and their fleece.


Jane handed out sheets with rules for entering the NC State Fair and Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair (SAFF) [http://www.saffsite.org/index.cfm/do/contests.main] and discussed entry requirements.


The Guild will donate $100 to the NCSU Crafts Center for the use of the facilities for meetings. Jane will check on the availablity of a room for December's swap meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Please please unsubscribe me from the twisted threads emails. Thank you. lpastor47@yahoo.com
