Saturday Book Club meeting, 9 January 2010
Jackie writes:
Thanks to all who came out to book club today! And especially, we'd like to thank Cynthia for sharing so enthusiastically about feltmaking. It was a great time learning much about this wonderful craft. I especially loved the Nuno scarves.
Look for more info on upcoming book club meetings. The next topic is lace, on Feb. 6.
See you then,
Second Saturday All Fiber Arts Meeting, 9 January 2010
Hosted by Judy who writes:
Hi, everyone,Third Thursday Guild Meeting
I guess we around 25-30 here altogether today. We had an officers'meeting first, then the regular guild meeting, which was a very
enjoyable experience.
Thanks to those of you who brought donations for the Helen Wright Womens' Shelter in Raleigh. Some was yarn, and some was clothing and dishes for womens' apartments. All of these items will be very welcome.
It was suggested that I mention that we had decided in guild some years back to knit and donate chemo caps to the UNC Oncology Resource Center. The numbers had dwindled to nearly none this year, so I asked whether we should do a different project. It was decided to continue this, and to let you know that this was a guild activity. I've been delivering them to UNC when I have several here, and can continue to drop them off at UNC . So those of you who would like to do some charity knitting, this is an opportunity. In previous years when I had some to bring, I always took a picture of all of them and emailed it to Jame to put in the picture album---I imagine those pictures are still on the Twisted Threads Yahoo site, so you can enjoy the creativity of guild members over the years.
This is one of the many web sites with free patterns, both knitted and crocheted. Wool tends to be a little itchy and too hot for summer. Silk, cotton, alpaca, acrylic--there are many fibers that will be soft, and fine to use.
Carolyn Beasley is looking for volunteers for the Ag Fest in May at the fairgrounds in Raleigh, so watch for some emails from her about several activities, including a sheep to shawl demo, with maybe more than one team, depending on how many of you volunteer for the activity. Expect to see some emails that start with "Ag Fest" in the subject line. Anyone who wants to rent a booth there, Carolyn needs the money to pay the NC Ag. people by early Feb., so you need to get in touch with her soon. Spinners will be needed for demo spinning, and for some classses for children, like drop spindling and wool carding.
Anyone who has not paid dues yet this year, Lynn Michael is collecting the dues and the form which can be found on the Yahoo site under Twisted Threads.
And anyone who would like to host the 2nd Saturday Twisted Threads meetings in coming months, please let me know. I'm glad to host y'all, but I'm just as glad to move around to visit others' homes. Usually the 3rd Thurs. meeting at NC State has a short class on different techniques after the business meeting. If you'd like to have classes at the 2nd Sat. meeting, as well, I'm fine with that, and would enjoy that, too. Anyone who enjoys a unique technique related to fiber arts, we'd enjoy scheduling your presentation. Since we don't have a business meeting at the 2nd Sat. meeting, there's more time to teach. If there's an interest, I could do a demo on processing pet fur for yarn, for example.
Thanks so much everyone who turned out! Several of you had been at Jackie's Quail Corners Book Club in the a.m., so you really deserve a "gold star" for going from one meeting to the other! Those of you we didn't see this time, hope to see you in February!
Twisted Threads Fiber Arts Guild met on January 18 at NCSU Crafts Center with 10 attending.
Lynn Michaels presented information about Shetland Sheep and brought fleece samples for the group to take along with a fact sheet about Shetlands.
Carolyn updated the guild on the planning and progress so far on the Carolina Fiber Festival. So far 1/3 of the available booths have been paid for and another 1/3 have been reserved, payment pending. The current vendors can be found on the web site. Carolyn asked the group for suggestions on demonstrations to hold at the festival. Demonstrations will be short, free presentations at set times throughout the day. Suggestions for demos included felting, support spindles, and carding. She also asked for input on classes to be held, and ideas for classes include shifu paper weaving, spindle and wheel spinning, and felting.
Sheep-to-shawl will be held as a demonstration; multiple teams are welcome. The March TTFAG special topic will be sheep-to-shawl how-to.
For more information about the Carolina Fiber Festival or to volunteer to help with demonstrations, contact Carolyn (contact info on the festival page).
Fourth Tuesday
Held at Glenaire.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary
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