First Saturday Book club meeting.
Jackie writes:
Thanks to all who participated in the discussion on using color! Lots and lots of inspiration form your work, and so many great ideas and tips! Here are a few I noted. Please add/correct. I know I didn't get everything-------------
-Keep a portfolio of pictures that inspire you. Magazine clippings of garments, or postcards of museum paintings could give ideas for puttingcolors together.
-Practice often! It builds confidence and skill.
-Look for inspiration in the world around you.
-Wrap lengths of each color around cardboard and place them side by side. See how the various colors look together. Play with hanging the arrangement. (weavers' tip)
- Take yarn to a dimly lit room to get an idea of value - which ones stand out?
- Look at yarn under different lighting.
- Photocopy yarns together on a copier to see contrasts
- Use the color wheel to find a particular harmony, and choose colors accordingly.
- Suggestion for Fair Isle (Erika Raspberry) - choose all solids or all heathered colors - don't mix, and put anything back you don't like.
- Technique can play a role in determining which colors stand out more. For example, how you hold yarns for Fair Isle can make a difference.
- Get feedback from others regarding your ideas - particularly in using your own left overs. A "fresh pair of eyes" is often helpful.
- Slip-stitch techniques can add texture as well. It's also an interesting way to use variegated yarns.
Books and resources. Please add to this- I think I'm missing a few of the many books we had.
-Spin Control by Amy King
-Poems of Color by Wendy Keele,
-Tudor Roses by Alice Starmore
-Fair Isle Knitting by Alice Starmore
-How to Select Color Palettes for Knitting and Other Fiber Arts by
Nancy Shroyer
-Colorworks by Deb Menz
-The Art of Fair Isle Knitting by Ann Feitleson
-Slip-Stitch Knitting by Roxana Bartlett
-The Knitting Experience: Color by Sally Melville
These two commercial yarns were mentioned a few times: Noro, and Koigu.
The author of Jane's biochem book, The Theory and Practice of Wool Dyeing, (from last month) is Peter Bird.
Looking ahead --------We'll kick off the fall knitting season with September's topic of "Knitting for Men". (These projects might be a whole lot less colorful! switching gears...) Our featured book is The Knitting Man(ual) by Kristin Spurkland. Book club discount is $18.38 with tax. (retail is $24.95). Please let me know by August 19 if you'd like me to order one for you. I'll send out another reminder later on. Book club date is September 5.
Also - The October date was changed from the 3rd to the 10th so we can go to Montpelier, VA for the Fall Fiber Festival, if we like. Would be great if a bunch of us could carpool/tailgate up! I think its about a 4 hour ride from Raleigh.
That's it. Again, please add what I have left out. See you next month. Hoping we can keep up the breakfast and/or lunch tradition!
Second Saturday all fiber arts meeting
Hosted by Amy on 8 August. Thank you, Amy!
Third Thursday Guild Meeting
Twisted Threads Fiber Arts Guild met on 20 August at the NCSU Crafts Center with 12-14 members attending (the scribe forgot to count accurately). Welcome new member, Jan!
Jane led the business meeting. Topics for the next 4 monthly meetings are as follows:
- September - Wheel Round Robin
- October - Support spindles
- November - Finger weaving
- December - Swap. Bring your unwanted but usable fiber arts items to swap. This activity is for dues-paying members only. Dues can be paid at the meeting for 2010. This meeting will be held on a Friday (date and location TBA) rather than the usual 3rd Thursday.
Planning is underway for the Fiber Festival as part of NC AgFest. TTFAG will host a demo booth. Carolyn is helping to organize. Some proposed activities are a sheep to shawl contest/demonstration, a fleece display, and a kid's area. The weaving guild will participate as well. Volunteers welcome!
The evening's topics were lucets, nalbinding, and corking. Jame, Carole and Jane brought lucets and demonstrated their use. Jame did a brief tutorial on using a nalbinding needle, and brought a book on spool knitting: Kids Can: Corking by J.A, Sadler as well as some spool knitters made using the instructions in the book. This book is available from the Wake County Library System.
Program ideas for the coming year are welcome. Some suggestions made are making color choices and combining colors, and fitting patterns.
Fourth Tuesday Lapwork Meeting
Held at Glenaire on August 25. The alt lapwork meeting was cancelled due to poor turnout at meetings on the 4th Tues over the summer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Volunteer Recording Secretary
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