13 February 2011

January Third Thursday Guild Meeting 2011

Twisted Threads Fiber Arts Guild met on 20 January 2011 at the NCSU Crafts Center with 13 in attendance.

Business Meeting

Treasurers Report by Lynn:

  • December's swap dues have been deposited.
  • 2011 dues are currently being accepted.

Fiber Fest

This year will feature a skein an garment competition.  Ol'North State Knitting Guild is developing the rules for entry and judging.


Judy and Elaina led a lively session on "making it do", re-purposing items for fiber arts use.

Punky suggested to use of a placemat on which to rest a project and be able to easily turn it on lap or table.  Also she suggested using a lifeline, a length of thread or yarn threaded through the stitchesof a lace project to mark the extent of error free progress.  Should an error occur that requires ripping back, the lifeline facilitates picking up stitches with greater ease.

Jane uses cardboard weaving bobbins for storing spindle or wheel spun singles prior to plying.

Carole uses jump rings as stitch markers and stores them in empty medicine bottles.

Please leave a comment if you have other suggestions, would like to make a correction, or if I have inadvertently left out your suggestion!

December 2010

Twisted Threads Fiber Arts Guild met on 10 December 2010 at the NCSU Crafts Center with 21 in attendance

Elections by unanimous vote:

President - Jane
Vice President - Judy
Recording Secretary - Jame
Treasurer - Lynn

Appointed positions:
Librarian - Amy
Outreach - Elaina

By-laws were approved unanimously.


November 2010 Guild Meeting

November Third Thursday Guild Meeting

Twisted Threads Fiber Arts Guild met on 18 November 2010 at the NCSU Crafts Center with 11 in attendance.


Show and tell for members who entered State Fair contests. Wow! Thank you to Lynn, Shawn and Jane for bringing in your skeins, shawls and rugs! It's great inspiration to start planning for 2011.


Lynn gave the Treasurer's report.

  • The treasury has a positive balance.
  • A search for another bank is underway since SunTrust is instituting a service charge on checking.
  • The Guild received a thank you from the Craft Center for our donation.
  • New books and movies were purchased for the library.

Amy reported on the library:

  • New items in the library include How I Spin, The Gently Art of Plying, Drafting:The Long and Short of it, and Spin Control.
  • Please contact Amy if you want to check out a book but will not be able to attend a meeting at the Craft Center. E-mail sent to the yahoo group will reach Amy, or you can send her a private message through the yahoo group website.

Jane reported on
Old business:

  • By-laws are currently being written and revised and will be ready for the December meeting elections.

New business:

  • Frith and Kathryn have resigned from the SAFF skein and garment competition committee.
  • Nominations for 2011 officers: President - Jane, Vice President - Judy, Treasurer - Lynn, Recording Secretary - Jame

Other business:

  • Carolyn would like to attend a winter fiber retreat, perhaps at a beach house.  Would anyone like to plan one?