15 April 2010

March Third Thursday Guild Meeting

Twisted Threads Fiber Arts Guild met on March 18 at NCSU Crafts Center with 18 attending. 

Jane started the business meeting at 7:15.  Jame reviewed the minutes from the February 18 meeting. Lynn gave the treasurer's report; as of March there are 39 paid members for 2010  and the guild account has a positive balance.  She will purchase self adhesive name tags for use at meetings.

Old business: Jane asked for assistance with writing by-laws for TTFAG and Nancy S. volunteered.

Library: Amy is taking suggestions for DVDs to add to the guild library.  She can be contacted on the yahoo groups list.


Fiber of the Month

Nancy Shroyer demonstrated spinning line flax into linen and passed out fact sheets on flax and processing.

From March meeting
Swedish Rep Weaving

Jessica demonstrated Swedish rep weaving, a warp-faced technique for which she recently attended a Triangle Weavers Guild workshop by Rosalie Neilson.

Sheep to shawl

Lynn summarized her progress so far in organizing a sheep to shawl demonstration at the Carolina Fiber Festival in May. The demonstration will run on Saturday, May 22 for 4 hours, time TBA.  Volunteers to card the washed fleece and to spin are needed.  A member of the weaving guild has volunteered to do the weaving, but would like the TTFAG to provide a warped loom.  The details of providing a loom and warping it are pending.  Lynn asked for volunteers at the meeting and signed several carders and spinners up.  Thank you for helping out!